Migration guide
Information on migrating from Rivet 1 to Rivet 2
The rivet-uits
npm package is deprecated.
To use Rivet 2, uninstall rivet-uits
and install the rivet-core
package instead:
npm uninstall rivet-uits
npm install rivet-core@latest
Hosted assets
Rivet 2 assets are not hosted on assets.uits.iu.edu
Instead, Rivet 2 assets are hosted on the unpkg CDN:
The table below lists all Rivet 1 components and their Rivet 2 equivalents. For components that do not have a direct equivalent in Rivet 2, similar components are suggested.
Some components were deprecated in Rivet 1 and do not appear in Rivet 2. However, example markup is provided for recreating deprecated components if needed using Rivet 2 utility classes.
Rivet 1 | Rivet 2 |
Alert | Alert |
Badge | Badge |
Box | Card; Border, spacing, and color utilities |
Breadcrumb | Breadcrumbs |
Button | Button |
Checkboxes | Checkbox |
Dropdown | Dropdown |
File input | File input |
Footer | Footer |
Grid | Grid |
Header | Header |
Input group | Input group |
Links | Call to action; Link hub; Sidenav; Typography utilities |
Lists | List |
Loading indicator | Loading indicator |
Media object | Flex utilities |
Menu | Subnav |
Modal | Dialog |
Pagination | Pagination |
Panel | Card; Link hub; Border, spacing, and color utilities |
Radio buttons | Radio input |
Segmented button | Button |
Select element | Select input |
Step indicator | Step indicator |
Tabs | Tabs |
Text inputs | Text input; Textarea |
Timeline | Timeline |
Add-on: Collapsible | Accordion; Disclosure |
Add-on: Datepicker | Datepicker (forthcoming) |
Add-on: Shell | Layouts |
Add-on: Switch | Switch |
Rivet 1 add-ons can continue to be used in Rivet 2 projects until replacement components are made available.
All utilities available in Rivet 1 are available in Rivet 2.
Rivet 2 also introduces several new utility classes. See the Rivet 2 utilities documentation for more.