The Rivet text utilities make it easy to style text.
Font weight
You can use the rivet text utilities to change the font-weight
property of text. The available utility classes are:
<strong class="rvt-text-regular">Regular text utility</strong>
<div class="rvt-text-bold">Bold Text utility</div>
Line height
In Rivet the line-height
of the <body>
element is set to 1.5
globally for better legibility. This can sometimes make larger text (like headings or titles) appear as if the line-height is too tall. For that reason, we created a text utility called .rvt-lh-title
that you can use to give larger text a smaller line-height
This large text could sometimes end up in a space that causes it to run on to two lines.
<h3 class="rvt-ts-36 rvt-lh-title">This large text could sometimes end up in a space that causes it to run on to two lines.</h3>
Text alignment
Use the text alignment utilities to change the text-align
property of any text. The available text alignment utilities are:
Left-aligned text utility
Center-aligned text utility
Right-aligned text utility
<p class="rvt-text-left">Left-aligned text utility</p>
<p class="rvt-text-center">Center-aligned text utility</p>
<p class="rvt-text-right">Right-aligned text utility</p>
The .rvt-text-uppercase
utility class sets the text-transform
CSS property to uppercase
and adds a small amount of letter-spacing
to improve readability.
Uppercase text utility
<p class="rvt-text-uppercase">Uppercase text utility</p>
No break
If you need to stop text from wrapping, for example next to radio buttons or checkboxes, you can use the .rvt-text-nobr
<legend class="sr-only">Checkbox list</legend>
<ul class="rvt-plain-list">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-demo" id="checkbox-3">
<label for="checkbox-3" class="rvt-m-right-sm rvt-text-nobr">The label for this checkbox is quite long, but will not break.</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-demo" id="checkbox-4">
<label for="checkbox-4">Option two</label>
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